Three Times a Day Milking during the First Half of Lactation

Three milking frequency treatments were compared: twice daily, 3 times daily until milk dropped below 24 kg and daily until milk dropped below 31 kg. Three-times daily milking was done at least 45 days but no more than 150 days. Cows (12-14/group) were managed alike except for milking frequency. In early lactation, increased milking had little effect. With time the superiority in yields increased such that cows on 3 times for 150 days were outproducing 2-time cows by 20%. Cumulative milk yields were greater for the thrice groups than for the twice group by 5% at 56 days, 11 and 8% at 154 days, 11 and 9% at 182 days and 10% at 280 days. Fat percentage, adjusted for previous lactation fat percentage, averaged 0.2-0.3% lower for the cows milked 3 times until 24 kg but only 0.1% for cows milked 3 times until 31 kg. Increased yield was primarily from prolonged peak yield and less subsequent decline. Switching from 3 to 2 milkings decreased yield 6-8% in the 1st wk, but 3-time milking had a positive carryover, apparently due to higher starting yield at the point at which they were switched.

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