Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate

Carbon Cycle and Climate Change: As climate change accelerates, it is important to know the likely impact of climate change on the carbon cycle (see the Perspective by Reich ). Gross primary production (GPP) is a measure of the amount of CO 2 removed from the atmosphere every year to fuel photosynthesis. Beer et al. (p. 834 , published online 5 July) used a combination of observation and calculation to estimate that the total GPP by terrestrial plants is around 122 billion tons per year; in comparison, burning fossil fuels emits about 7 billion tons annually. Thirty-two percent of this uptake occurs in tropical forests, and precipitation controls carbon uptake in more than 40% of vegetated land. The temperature sensitivity (Q10) of ecosystem respiratory processes is a key determinant of the interaction between climate and the carbon cycle. Mahecha et al. (p. 838 , published online 5 July) now show that the Q10 of ecosystem respiration is invariant with respect to mean annual temperature, independent of the analyzed ecosystem type, with a global mean value for Q10 of 1.6. This level of temperature sensitivity suggests a less-pronounced climate sensitivity of the carbon cycle than assumed by recent climate models.