Evolution of Symptoms in Ménière’s Disease

To investigate the sequence and correlation of symptoms of Ménière's disease (MD) depending on their order of manifestation. Descriptive, longitudinal study of the symptoms in 237 tertiary hospital patients who had been diagnosed with definite MD according to the criteria of the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Patients were followed for 1-31 years. Disease began with the three classic symptoms in only 40% of the patients. We recorded the mean, median and maximum time needed to complete the symptoms as well as the time elapsed in some patients from disease onset in one ear to bilateral involvement. We reckon that this study may be of great help in ruling out a diagnosis of MD when the patient presents with only one or two symptoms of the triad. Furthermore, regarding the planning of treatment, the time interval between unilateral and bilateral involvement (5-7 years) is very important since bilateral involvement has great repercussions on treatment, especially surgical treatment.