Monogenic Recessive Mutations Causing Both Late Floral Initiation and Excess Starch Accumulation in Arabidopsis.

A recessive Arabidopsis mutation, carbohydrate accumulation mutant1 (cam1), which maps to position 22.8 on chromosome 3, was identified by screening leaves of ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized M2 plants stained with iodine for altered starch content. Increased starch content in leaves of the cam1 mutant was observed at the onset of flowering. This mutant also had a delayed floral initiation phenotype with more rosette leaves than the parental line. In addition, activities of several enzymes associated with starch metabolism were altered in the cam1 mutant. The late-flowering mutant gigantea (gi) also manifested an elevated starch level in leaves. However, not all late-flowering mutants had increased leaf starch content. Double mutants cam1 adg1 (for ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase), cam1 pgm (for phosphoglucomutase), and gi pgm had no observable starch in leaves but showed the late-flowering phenotype, demonstrating that the elevated starch content is not the cause of late floral initiation. The pleiotropic effects of cam1 and gi suggest that they may play regulatory roles in starch metabolism and floral initiation. These data suggest that starch accumulation and floral initiation may share a common regulatory pathway.