Is Social Frustration Typical of Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

Introduction: Psychological problems of multiple sclerosis patients are often studied in context of distress and depression or quality of life concept. However, analysis of social frustration still has not been an object of research interest. Whereas ignoring patients’ feelings of frustration and social worry may worsen the prognosis of treatment.Objectives and aims: To study if the social frustration prevalent among multiple sclerosis patients.Methods: We studied 104 multiple sclerosis patients during in-patient treatment in neurological unit. Male and female patients aged between 19 and 64 years were diagnosed relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). Psychological indicators of social frustration were assessed by using “The level of social frustration” questionnaire.Results: Lack of social frustration was revealed only in 5% of multiple sclerosis patients. The most frequent area of social frustration in the patients was the sphere of health and labor activity (45%). The second area of social frustration was dissatisfaction with the socio-economic status (37%), the third – the social status (26%). Both male and female patients were equally dissatisfied with their physical condition. Men were more frustrated with their material condition, women – with their inability to work. Some differences were also defined in clinical groups. RRMS patients were more frustrated in need for their status in the society, SPMS patients with their psychological and emotional state.Conclusions: The directions of typical social frustration in multiple sclerosis patients, associations with clinical and gender factors may be considered in system of treatment and rehabilitation.Disclosure of interest: The authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.