Synovial Collagenase and Joint Diseases: The Significancy of Latent Collagenase with Special Reference to Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. The contents of collagenase and α-globulins in synovial fluids from patients with various joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis have been investigated. 2. The presence of large amount of collagenase in a latent form was demonstrated in the fluids from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The collagenase could be activated by the treatment with 3 M NaSCN. 3. Regardless of types of joint diseases, synovial fluids contained more α1-antitrypsin than α2-macroglobulin. 4. Rheumatoid synovial fluids contained more α1-antitrypsin and α2-macroglobulin. than the non-rheumatoid. 5. Close relation between the amount of collagenase in a latent form and the degree of articular destruction in various joint diseases was discussed.