Inappropriate Rate Change in Minute Ventilation Rate Responsive Pacemakers Due to Interference by Cardiac Monitors

Observations of inappropriate rate increase in five patients with minute ventilation rate responsive implanted pacemakers (Telectronics Meta) are reported. Pacing rate increases were observed immediately upon connection of the resting patients to two brands of widely used cardiac monitors, and one commonly used echocardiograph. In some circumstances, the rate increase remained until monitor disconnection; in others the rate increase was transient, lasting and 20 seconds. A hardware thoracic resistance variation simulator was constructed and connected to one of the pacemakers to test sensitivity to rate modifying interference from external sources. This demonstrated that the sensitivity to interference is dependent upon the frequency of the interfering signal and is highest in the range 10-60 kHz, that peak currents as low as 10 microA can cause maximum rate increase, and that the signals injected into patients by several cardiac monitors, for purposes of lead-off detection or respiratory monitoring, fall into the frequency range at which the pacemaker is most susceptible to interference.

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