A presumed deletion covering theWandPhloci of the mouse

SUMMARY: A new allele at theW-locus (W19H), found in a mutagenesis experiment in which females were irradiated, involves a presumed deletion. The deletion covers thePhlocus (which forms part of a gene complex with theW,PhandRwloci), and the locus of a recessive lethal 2 cM distal toW. It does not extend distally to thebllocus; nor does it involve theRwlocus,W19H/Rwcompounds being viable and fertile. Thus, the length of the deletion is 2–7 cM. The non-involvement ofRwshows that, in the gene tripletRw,W,Ph,Rwmust lie proximal toWandPh, whose relative position remains unknown. Heteozygotes forW19Hare not anaemic, show only minimal white spotting and no pigment dilution; they thus resemble heterozygotes for the originalWmutant allele and differ fromW/Phtrans heterozygotes, which have extensive white spotting. In additionW19Hheterozygotes may be small and runted, many are believed to die prenatally, and some in the nest. Their radiosensitivity is increased. Homozygotes die at the pre-implantation stage.