To examine the functional roles played by the lumbar spine during overground stepping, seven adult cats were run in electromyographic (EMG) experiments. Recordings were made bilaterally from mm. iliocostalis, longissimus dorsi and multifidus at a single vertebral level (L3) and from m. rectus abdominis. Stepping movements were monitored synchronously either by videotape or by high speed cinematography. During alternate use of the hindlimbs (walking and trotting), both epaxial and abdominal muscles were active bilaterally and biphasically. During in-phase use of the hindlimbs (galloping and half-bounding), single bursts of activity were observed. Phasic bursts of activity in rectus abdominus were reciprocal to those of epaxial muscles. Second bursts of activity in either group were noted infrequently. Recordings from the same back muscle at several vertebral levels indicated little difference from these patterns. Movements of the lumbar spine during galloping and half-bounding steps, both angular and linear, are easily correlated with muscle activity patterns. Movements of the lumbar spine during walking and trotting show no particular pattern. Only small angular and linear movements are found. It is concluded that the lumbar spine contributes substantially to step length and limb speed during galloping and half-bounding steps and the epaxial and abdominal musculature may also act as elastic bodies. During walking and trotting steps, the epaxial muscles are proposed to act to stabilize the pelvic girdle to provide a firm base for limb muscles which arise on the pelvis and are synchronously active.