Brace Treatment of Scoliosis in Children with Myelomeningocele

In twenty-one children with myelomeningocele and progressive scoliosis, treatment of scoliosis was attempted with a Boston type underarm brace. Thirteen children finished full brace treatment (average treatment time 2.5 years) and the patients were included in a follow-up more than 2 years after the end of treatment with no further progression of the scoliosis. Two patients are still undergoing brace treatment. Six children were operated due to continued progression of the scoliosis. Among 14 patients with scoliosis 45 degrees or less at the start of brace treatment, only 1 patient progressed and underwent operation. The brace had a temporary effect on severe scoliosis, decreasing the rate of progression. Complications were few. The brace caused decubitus ulcer in one patient, and two patients developed increased pressure of the urinary tract.