Although fast green (FG) is widely used as food colorant by the cosmetics and drug industries, there is no evidence about whether FG affects leukocytes. The aim was to investigate the effect of FG on leukocytes. Male albino mice were subdivided into five equal groups: four of them were given 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg kg−1 bw day−1 FG in drinking water for 44 days. The fifth (control group) was given pure water only. During the experimental period changes in body weight, lymphoid organs weight (absolute and relative) as well as the total count and viability of lymphoid cells for the treated groups showed that FG was an immunotoxic agent. The structural effects induced by FG on thymocytes and splenocytes were investigated through measurements of their dielectric spectra in the frequency range 20–100 000 Hz. The estimated dielectric parameters of the treated groups reflected the changes occurring to lymphocytes by FG administration and indicated that FG dye is an immunotoxic agent. It is shown that the dielectric methodology can be used for the identification of lymphocyte modification induced by food colorants.