Response control of adjacent structures subjected to blast-induced vibrations

The present study investigates the response reduction efficiency of passive control viscous dampers installed in between adjacent structures subjected to blast induced vibrations. The blast induced vibrations studied are mainly due to the mining activities along with the accidental explosions on underground storage chambers. The study reviews the equations of motions formulated by different researchers in examining the performance of damper connected structures. Two different types of structures i.e. similar and dissimilar buildings are selected to analyze the effectiveness of damper connected buildings. A parametric study is also conducted to determine the optimum damper placement locations along with optimum damper properties for the similar buildings connected with viscous dampers. Results exhibit the efficiency of viscous dampers in case of similar buildings. It is observed that in case of dissimilar buildings, the peak responses are almost equivalent for connected as well as unconnected dissimilar structures. Therefore, the study evaluates the root mean square (RMS) responses to compare the effect of blast vibrations beyond the initial impulse in case of connected dissimilar buildings. In addition, the performance of similar structures connected with same damping is also compared with the responses obtained from different damping conditions to minimize the damping coefficient of dampers.

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