"They Told Me To Leave": How Health Care Providers Address Intimate Partner Violence

Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) victims frequently seek medical treatment, though rarely for IPV. Recommendations for health care providers (HCPs) include IPV screening, counseling, and safety referral. The objective of this study was to report women's experiences discussing IPV with HCPs. Methods: This study used structured interviews with women reporting IPV discussions with their HCP; descriptive analyses and bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed, and association with patient demographics and substance abuse was reviewed. We included women from family court; a community-based, inner-city primary care practice; and a tertiary care-based, outpatient psychiatric practice. Results: A total of 142 women participated: 44 from family court (31%), 62 from a primary care practice (43.7%), and 36 from a psychiatric practice (25.4%). Fifty-one percent (n = 72) of patients reported that HCPs knew of their IPV. Of those, 85% (n = 61) told a primary care provider. Regarding IPV attitudes, 85% (n = 61) found their HCP open, and 74% (n = 53) found their HCP knowledgeable. Regarding approaches, 71% (n = 51) believed their HCP advocated leaving the relationship. Whereas 31% (n = 22) received safety information, only 8% (n = 6) received safety information and perceived their HCP as not advocating leaving the abusive relationship. Conclusions: Half of participants disclosed IPV to their HCPs, and most perceived their provider advocated them leaving the relationship. Only 31% reported that HCPs provided safety planning despite increased risks associated with leaving. We suggest HCPs improve safety planning with patients who disclose IPV.