Background influences on dietary choice in early old age

The contemporary increase in life expectancy is opening up a new stage in the life course - early old age. Diet during early old age makes an important contribution to disease prevention, the management of established disease and postponing the onset of physical dependency. Despite its importance, few specifically medical, dietary interventions have been designed for this age group. The presently reported study aims to supply background information for such an endeavour. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with people in early old age, sampled purposively from members of a longitudinal study cohort. A number of background influences on the dietary choices of the interviewees have been identified. Some of these influences are specific to the present generation of people in early old age, such as eating in NAAFI canteens during National Service. However, the more general categories of which they are a part will have enduring usefulness. The findings are discussed in relation to: future dietary advice; the potential for interventions in primary care; enhancing the policy of free school fruit and research on the next age cohort to enter early old age.