Effect of fasting on the V̇o2-fhrelationship in king penguins,Aptenodytes patagonicus

King penguins ( Aptenodytes patagonicus) may fast for up to 30 days during their breeding period. As such extended fasting may affect the relationship between the rate of O2consumption (V̇o2) and heart rate ( fH), five male king penguins were exercised at various speeds on repeated occasions during a fasting period of 24–31 days. In addition, V̇o2and fHwere measured in the same animals during rest in cold air and water (4°C). V̇o2and fHat rest and V̇o2during exercise decreased with fasting. There was a significant relation between V̇o2and fH( r2= 0.56) that was improved by including speed, body mass ( Mb), number of days fasting ( t), and a cross term between fHand t ( r2= 0.92). It was concluded that there was a significant change in the V̇o2- fHrelationship with fasting during exercise. As t is measurable in the field and was shown to be significant and, therefore, a practical covariate, a regression equation for use when birds are ashore was obtained by removing speed and Mb. When this equation was used, predicted V̇o2was in good agreement with the observed data, with an overall error of 3.0%. There was no change in the V̇o2- fHrelationship in penguins at rest in water.