Multi-drug resistant typhoid fever with diarrhea.

  • 1 October 1997
    • journal article
    • Vol. 34 (10), 891-9
To provide information about the characteristics of diarrheal stool in multi-drug resistant typhoid fever and observe the clinical course after treatment with furazolidone or ciprofloxacin. Hospital based. Twenty one male children who were positive for multi-drug resistant S. typhi by blood and stool cultures, having diarrhea at the time of hospitalization comprised the subjects. Serum and stool electrolytes were estimated. Stool samples were also processed to detect established enteropathogens, leukocytes and red blood cells. Children were treated either with furazolidone or ciprofloxacin and evaluated till recovery. Mean (+/- SD) pre-admission duration of fever and diarrhea of these cases were 19.1 (+/- 5.6) and 15.8 (+/- 4.6) days, respectively. Stool character in 81% of the patients was watery with mean (+/- SD) volume of stool 51.4 (+/- 25.1) ml per kg body weight in the first 24 hours of observation. Leukocyte count varied between 20-49 per high power field in 66.7% stool samples. Occult blood was present in only 19% cases. Fecal red blood cells in high power field were detected in 52.4% cases. Mean fecal electrolytes (mmol/liter) were as follows: sodium-53.8, potassium-51.4, chloride-41.6 and total CO2-24.3. Most of the children (71.4%) had no dehydration and had normal serum electrolytes. The isolated strains of S. typhi were multi-drug resistant. These children were treated successfully either with furazolidone or ciprofloxacin. The stools of multi-drug resistant typhoid fever patients were watery with little blood. Their electrolyte contents were more similar to the diarrheal stool seen in shigellosis rather than cholera. Uncontrolled observations revealed that children recovered with furazolidone or ciprofloxacin therapy.