The structure and evolution of the two nonallelic rat preproinsulin genes

In the rat, there are two nonallelic genes for preproinsulin. The insulin end products are very similar and are equally expressed. We have isolated clones carrying these genes and their flanking sequences, and characterized them by DNA sequencing and electron microscopic analysis. We have established the primary structure of the preproinsulin mRNAs and the signal peptides of these two proteins. One of the genes contains two introns: a 499 bp intron interrupting the region encoding the connecting peptide and a 119 bp intron interrupting the segment encoding the 5′ noncoding region of the mRNA. The introns are transcribed and present in a preproinsulin mRNA precursor. The other gene possesses the smaller, but not the larger, of the two introns. Calculations based on the divergence of the two preproinsulin nucleotide and amino acid sequences indicate that these genes are the products of a recent duplication. Thus one of the genes gained or lost an intron since that time.