A Comparative Study on the Impacts of Interface Traps on Tunneling FET and MOSFET

In this paper, the impacts of interface traps on tunneling FET (TFET) are examined in terms of different trap energies and distributions, charge neutrality level (CNL), and effects of random trap fluctuation, in comparison with MOSFET. It is found that the Vth shifts and subthreshold swing (SS) degradation induced by interface traps in TFET and MOSFET have the same trends, but the impacts on ION are different because of the novel conduction mechanism of TFETs when compared with MOSFETs. Moreover, nTFET is intrinsically more immune (or susceptible) to Vth shift induced by acceptor(or donor-) type interface traps than nMOSFET. Therefore, reducing the potential degradation induced by the interface traps can be achieved by optimizing the position of CNL. The results indicate that nTFET is more immune to the Vth shift than nMOSFET with CNL below a critical energy. In addition, the trap-induced SS degradation of TFET is severer than MOSFET in electrostatics. Moreover, it is found that the ION, Vth, and IOFF fluctuations in nMOSFET and nTFET are also dependent on the position of CNL. With CNL below the critical energy, the ION fluctuation and Vth fluctuation of nTFET are smaller than those of nMOSFET. The results are helpful for the interface optimization of TFETs.

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