Generation of millijoule-level soft-x-ray laser pulses at a 4-Hz repetition rate in a highly saturated tabletop capillary discharge amplifier

Laser pulses with energies of as much as 1 mJ were generated at a wavelength of 46.9 nm by single-pass amplification in a 34.5 cm-long Ne-like Ar capillary discharge plasma. The large gain–length product of this plasma column allows for soft-x-ray amplification in a highly saturated regime, resulting in efficient energy extraction. Average laser output pulse energy of 0.88 mJ and peak power of 0.6 MW were obtained at a repetition rate of 4 Hz. With an estimated peak spectral brightness of 1×1023 photons/(s mm2 mrad2 0.01% bandwidth) this tabletop laser is one of the brightest soft-x-ray sources to date.