CO2 Emissions from Direct Energy Use of Urban Households in India

India hosts the world’s second largest population and offers the world’s largest potential for urbanization. India’s urbanization trajectory will have crucial implications on its future GHG emission levels. Using household microdata from India’s 60 largest cities, this study maps GHG emissions patterns and its determinants. It also ranks the cities with respect to their household actual and “counter-factual” GHG emissions from direct energy use. We find that household GHG emissions from direct energy use correlate strongly with income and household size; population density, basic urban services (municipal water, electricity, and modern cooking-fuels access) and cultural, religious, and social factors explain more detailed emission patterns. We find that the “greenest” cities (on the basis of household GHG emissions) are Bareilly and Allahabad, while the “dirtiest” cities are Chennai and Delhi; however, when we control for socioeconomic variables, the ranking changes drastically. In the control case, we fi...
Funding Information
  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung