Choroid plexus carcinoma of childhood

The presentation, growth patterns, and response to therapy of 11 consecutive children with choroid plexus carcinomas were analyzed, and the results were compared with the outcome reported in other series. Patients were a median of 26 months of age at diagnosis. Two patients had thalamic tumors, one had a posterior fossa primary, and the rest had ventricular lesions. Five of 11 (45%) children remain in continuous progression‐free remission a median of 48 months from diagnosis. Four of the five in continuous remission had a “gross total” surgical resection, and only one received radiation therapy. Five of six patients with subtotal resections relapsed despite postoperative treatment with radiation therapy (three) and chemotherapy (one). The response to treatment with radiation therapy or chemotherapy at relapse was disappointing, with only one child (treated with etoposide) responding. In combination with other series, 11 of 14 children had prolonged progression‐free survival after gross total resection (only two of whom received adjuvant therapy) compared with two of 20 after less than total resections, independent of the type of adjuvant therapy given. Adjuvant therapy for children with choroid plexus carcinomas is of unproven benefit, and this must be considered when analyzing innovative treatment trials for such children, especially for those with totally resected tumors. Patients with partially resected lesions fare poorly with present forms of treatment.