Transport Phenomena in Mixtures of Gases

The theory of transport in gases taking into account the full effect of quantum statistics is extended to include mixtures as well as one-component gases. The method of Lorentz, Hilbert, and Enskog, which was used previously in the development of the quantum theory of transport in a single component gas, is used again in this more general case. As is to be expected, all transport equations have formally the same dependence on velocity, temperature, and pressure gradients as in the classical statistics, the effects of diffraction and interference introduced by the quantum statistics appearing only in the coefficients themselves. Expressions for the viscosity, heat conductivity, pressure diffusion, and thermal diffusion coefficients into which assumptions with regard to the interaction laws may be introduced have been obtained. It is expected that these expressions may form the basis for calculation based on plausible assumptions as to the interaction that will provide a relatively good test of these laws as well as of the theory itself.

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