Net delay of next conception by contraception: A highly simplified case

A probability model, building on the work of Perrin and Sheps, is presented and applied. The model makes it possible to follow a cohort of women from a pregnancy outcome to next conception. Principal simplifying assumptions are homogeneity among women and constant fecundity. Cases treated include no contraception; a single contraceptive method practised; and a second contraceptive method practised following a first one. Expected durations to next conception may be calculated in relation to the following factors: outcome of previous pregnancy, length of anovulation, natural fecundability, time first contraceptive method is initiated, characteristics of first contraceptive (effectiveness and continuation rate), characteristics of second contraceptive, and gap between termination of first and commencing second contraceptive. By suitably pairing runs of the model, one can construct experiments in which the only differentiating factor is use and non-use of a specified contraceptive, and, by differencing the corresponding mean durations to next conception, compute the net delay of next conception produced by that contraceptive.

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