Photodynamic Therapy for Experimental Intraocular Melanoma Using Chloroaluminum Sulfonated Phthalocyanine

• Chloroaluminum sulfonated phthalocyanine (CASPc), a novel photosensitizing dye, was evaluated for treatment of experimental intraocular melanoma in 33 rabbit eyes. An argon ion pumped dye laser, operating at an emission of 675 nm, was used in a nonthermal mode to irradiate iris tumors in rabbits 24 hours after they received an intravenous dye injection (23 eyes). The effects of laser irradiation alone and dye alone were examined in ten control eyes. A threshold tumoricidal dose was established for photodynamic therapy with CASPc and laser irradiation. Vascular occlusion was produced in a well-circumscribed area corresponding to the boundaries of laser irradiation after CASPc injection. Tumors successfully treated with CASPc and laser irradiation were arrested in growth and exhibited no viable tumor cells on histologic examination. Control tumors continued rapid growth, unaffected by dye or laser. Our data indicate that CASPc demonstrates a strong photosensitizing effect on both tumor and normal tissue. These results suggest that CASPc is a potential photosensitizing compound that may be useful in the treatment of choroidal melanoma.