Association of Funding and Conclusions in Randomized Drug Trials

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Empirical evidence shows that conclusions in randomized trials are more positive toward experimental interventions if funded by for-profit organizations.1-7 Three studies found this association in randomized trials published in high-impact journals.1-3 Two studies reached similar results in randomized trials on arthritis4 and myeloma.5 Two recent systematic reviews6,7 highlight the external validity of these findings. It is not known whether this association reflects the quantitative trial results.8 More positive conclusions in trials funded by for-profit organizations could reflect either more beneficial treatment effects or less frequent occurrence of adverse events. None of the previous studies1-7 assessed these aspects. Furthermore, previous studies included relatively heterogeneous trial cohorts. This case mix could confound the findings. It is possible that the association simply reflects that trials funded by for-profit organizations assess the most effective interventions.