Experimental Electronic Heat Capacities ofα- andδ-Plutonium: Heavy-Fermion Physics in an Element

We have measured the heat capacities of δPu0.95Al0.05 and αPu over the temperature range 2–303 K. The availability of data below 10 K plus an estimate of the phonon contribution to the heat capacity based on recent neutron-scattering experiments on the same sample enable us to make a reliable deduction of the electronic contribution to the heat capacity of δPu0.95Al0.05; we find γ=64±3   mJK2mol1 as T0. This is larger than that of any element and large enough for δPu0.95Al0.05 to be classed as a heavy-fermion system. By contrast, γ=17±1   mJK2mol1 in αPu. Two distinct anomalies are seen in the electronic contribution to the heat capacity of δPu0.95Al0.05, one or both of which may be associated with the formation of the α-martensitic phase. We suggest that the large γ value of δPu0.95Al0.05 may be caused by proximity to a quantum-critical point.

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