CARM1 promotes adipocyte differentiation by coactivating PPARγ

The coactivator‐associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM1) is recruited to gene promoters by many transcription factors. To identify new pathways that use CARM1, we carried out a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of CARM1‐knockout embryos. By using complementary DNA microarrays and serial analysis of gene expression, we identified various genes involved in lipid metabolism that were underrepresented in CARM1‐knockout embryos, indicating an important role for this coactivator in adipose tissue biology. We also observed that the amount of brown fat in CARM1‐knockout embryos is reduced. Furthermore, cells lacking CARM1 have a severely curtailed potential to differentiate into mature adipocytes. Reporter experiments and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis show that CARM1 regulates these processes by acting as a coactivator for peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). Together, these results show that CARM1 promotes adipocyte differentiation by coactivating PPARγ‐mediated transcription and thus might be important in energy balance.