In this study, the forelimb of 12 species of tupaiids was analyzed functionally and compared to that of other archontan mammals. Several differences that relate to differential substrate use were found in the forelimb morphology of tupaiids. These differences included shape of the scapula, length and orientation of the coracoid process, size of the lesser tuberosity, shape of the capitulum, length of the olecranon process, and shape of the radial head and central fossa. The forelimb of the arboreal Ptilocercus lowii, the only ptilocercine, is better adapted for arboreal locomotion, while that of tupaiines is better adapted for terrestrial (or scansorial) locomotion. While the forelimb of the arboreal Ptilocercus appears to be habitually flexed and exhibits more mobility in its joints, a necessity for movement on uneven, discontinuous arboreal supports, all tupaiines are characterized by more extended forelimbs and less mobility in their joints. These restricted joints limit movements more to the parasagittal plane, which increases the efficiency of locomotion on a more even and continuous surface like the ground. Even the most arboreal tupaiines remain similar to their terrestrial relatives in their forelimb morphology, which probably reflects the terrestrial ancestry of Tupaiinae (but not Tupaiidae). The forelimb of Urogale everetti is unique among tupaiines in that it exhibits adaptations for scratch-digging. Several features of the tupaiid forelimb reflect the arboreal ancestry of Tupaiidae and it is proposed that the ancestral tupaiid was arboreal like Ptilocercus. Also, compared to the forelimb character states of tupaiines, those of Ptilocercus are more similar to those of other archontans and it is proposed that the attributes of the forelimb of Ptilocercus are primitive for the Tupaiidae. Hence, Ptilocercus should be considered in any phylogenetic analysis that includes Scandentia. J. Morphol. 253:10–42, 2002.