Neutral-current reactions of solar and supernova neutrinos on deuterium

We calculate the cross sections for the neutral-current disintegration of deuterium by neutrinos and antineutrinos: ν+d→ν’+n+p and ν¯+d→ν¯’+n+p. We put special emphasis on estimates of the theoretical uncertainties of these cross sections. For B8 and hep solar neutrinos, the averaged cross sections are 〈σ(8B)〉=4.1(1±0.1)×1043 cm2 and 〈σ(hep)〉=1.15(1±0.1)×1042 cm2, respectively, where hep denotes 3He+p. The cross-section uncertainty is negligible, ±1/2%, for the ratio of neutral-current to charged-current events. Independent of neutrino oscillations, the cross sections correspond to 4.5(1±0.38)×103 solar-neutrino events per year in the proposed one-kiloton Sudbury Neutrino Observatory if the standard solar model is correct. For a galactic supernova, the total number of neutral-current events expected in the Sudbury detector is about 103 (distance/8 kpc)2; most of the signal is expected to arise from μ and τ neutrinos and antineutrinos. If either μ or τ neutrinos have a mass greater than 2×102 eV, then this mass should be measurable using the neutrino signal from a galactic supernova.