Cysteine proteinases in rat parathyroid cells with special reference to their correlation with parathyroid hormone (PTH) in storage granules.

To further understand the roles of storage granules in parathyroid cells, we examined by immunocytochemistry the localization of cathepsins B and H and of PTH in rat parathyroid gland. In semi-thin sections, small and large granular immunodeposits for cathepsins B and H appeared in the cells, whereas those for PTH were detected throughout the cells, especially in perinuclear regions. By electron microscopy, immunogold particles indicating cathepsins B and H labeled lysosomes and storage granules, whereas those showing PTH were localized in storage granules, small secretory granules, and the trans-Golgi network. Small vesicles labeled by immunogold particles showing these proteinases often appeared close to the storage granules. By double immunostaining, immunogold particles indicating these proteinases were co-localized with those for PTH in storage granules. By EDTA treatment, immunoreactivity for cathepsins B and H and for PTH was notably reduced in the cells, but immunoreactivity for the proteinases was still seen in lysosomes. These results suggest that storage granules in the rat parathyroid cells fuse with small vesicles containing cathepsins B and H, which may participate in regulating the intracellular PTH levels by degrading PTH in the granules.