ASSESS: A Simulator of Soft Errors in the Configuration Memory of SRAM-Based FPGAs

In this paper a simulator of soft errors (SEUs) in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs is presented. The simulator, named ASSESS, adopts fault models for SEUs affecting the configuration bits controlling both logic and routing resources that have been demonstrated to be much more accurate than classical fault models adopted by academic and industrial fault simulators currently available. The simulator permits the propagation of faulty values to be traced in the circuit, thus allowing the analysis of the faulty circuit not only by observing its output, but also by studying fault activation and error propagation. ASSESS has been applied to several designs, including the miniMIPS microprocessor, chosen as a realistic test case to evaluate the capabilities of the simulator. The ASSESS simulations have been validated comparing their results with a fault injection campaign on circuits from the ITC'99 benchmark, resulting in an average error of only 0.1%.

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