Translocation t(8;22) in peripheral lymphocytes and established lymphoid cell lines from a patient with Hodgkin's disease followed by acute lymphatic leukemia

Cytogenetic studies on primary material and established cell lines of a patient with B‐cell non‐Hodgkin Lymphoma with leukemic presentation as secondary malignancy after Hodgkin's disease clearly revealed correspondent marker chromosomes in both culture systems. A translocation t(8;22) which has been described in some cases of non‐endemic Burkitt's lymphoma as a variant of the translocation t(8;14) was found in all metaphases of the cell lines and in most of the cells of the primary material. In addition, structural aberrations involving chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 11, as well as numerical deviations concerning chromosomes 2, 4, 7 and Y, could be observed. The cytogenetical findings are discussed in relation to clinical, immunological and cytochemical data.