Phaeomelanin readily decomposes by the action of UV light and oxygen. This finding may explain many of the abnormal reactions of the skin of redheads and blondes to sunlight, including their high susceptibility to skin cancer. In aqueous solution, phaeomelanin displays an EPR signal rich in hyperfine splitting, consistent with structural information. SUMMARY Phaeomelanin readily, decomposes by the action of UV light and oxygen. This finding may explain many of the abnormal reactions of the skin of redheads and blondes to sunlight, including their high susceptibility to skin cancer. We have yet to identify any of the fragmentation products. Chromatographic analysis of the photolysate indicates at least 17 different compounds. Work on the reactions of phaeomelanin with superoxide, and the identification, synthesis, and physiological evaluation of these photoproducts as etiological factors in sunburn and carcinogenesis is in progress. In aqueous solutions, phaeomelanin displays an air stable EPR signal rich in hyperfine splitting. Complete analysis of this signal will provide a better understanding of the structure of the pigment.