Longitudinally Modulated Cryogenic System. A Generally Applicable Approach to Solute Trapping and Mobilization in Gas Chromatography

This paper describes a novel approach to solute trapping and remobilization. It involves the use of a subambient trap, with a narrow capillary column passing through the cooled region. A mechanism allows for longitudinal movement of the trap relative to the chromatographic column or narrow transfer line through which analytes travel. Either the trap or the column can be moved, and the frequency or manner of relative movement determines the type of result obtained. A series of preliminary studies are described that define the general approach to using this device and demonstrate the unique benefits that may arise from the modulation movement. Significant improvement (reduction) in peak width occurs if the device is placed immediately prior to the detection system, and consequently a great increase in detection limits results. With a 25 cm length of capillary column between the trap and detector, it is calculated that the plate height of dodecane is 0.082 mm, equivalent to 12 100 plates/m. This was found to be much greater than that for dodecane analyzed on a 25 m column. By slow displacement of the column through the trap, it is demonstrated that the solute is trapped in the first 1 cm (or less) of the column located in the cold trap.