The Experience of Being at Home Throughout the Life Span. Investigation of Persons Aged from 2 to 102

One hundred and fifty persons aged two to 102 narrated their experiences related to the phenomenon “being at home.” Several common interdependent and interrelated aspects of the experience of being at home were identified throughout the life span. These aspects are believed to entail cognitive, emotional, and conative dimensions of the experience: safety, rootedness, harmony, joy, privacy, togetherness, recognition, order, control, possession, nourishment, initiative, power, freedom. The sense of being related was found to be a common condition of the experience of being at home, i.e., related to significant others, significant things, significant places, significant activities, oneself, and transcendence. In the process of maintaining the experience of being at home throughout life the phenomena “being given a home,” “creating a home,” “sharing a home,” and “offering a home” were integral parts. A progression in the experience of being at home throughout the life span was identified.

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