Frailty and Activation of the Inflammation and Coagulation Systems With and Without Clinical ComorbiditiesResults From the Cardiovascular Health Study

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THE GERIATRIC syndrome of frailty has been defined as a wasting syndrome and a physiological state of vulnerability to increased morbidity and mortality.1,2 Frailty exacts an enormous toll on the health and well-being of older adults. Frail individuals are at much higher risk for falls, fractures, infections, the development of disabilities, hospitalization, institutionalization, and death compared with their age-matched nonfrail counterparts.2,3 Although frailty is associated with advanced age and increased disability, evidence suggests that neither old age nor disability alone identifies those at highest risk of adverse outcomes.3,4 In fact, frailty is predictive of adverse outcomes independent of these factors, suggesting an independent physiological etiology.3,5