Internal gravity waves generated by a turbulent bottom Ekman layer

Internal gravity waves excited by the turbulent motions in a bottom Ekman layer are examined using large-eddy simulation. The outer flow is steady and uniformly stratified while the density gradient is set to zero at the flat lower wall. After initializing with a linear density profile, a mixed layer forms near the wall separated from the ambient stratification by a pycnocline. Two types of internal wave are observed. Waves with frequencies larger than the free-stream buoyancy frequency are seen in the pycnocline, and vertically propagating internal waves are observed in the outer layer with characteristic frequency and wavenumber spectra. Since a signature of the pycnocline waves is observed in the frequency spectrum of the mixed layer, these waves may affect the boundary-layer turbulence. The dominant outer-layer waves have a group velocity directed 35-60° from the vertical axis, which is consistent with previous laboratory studies. The energy flux associated with the radiated waves is small compared to the integrated dissipation in the boundary layer, but is of the same order as the integrated buoyancy flux. A linear model is proposed to estimate the decay in wave amplitude owing to viscous effects. Starting from the observed wave amplitudes at the bottom of the pycnocline, the model prediction for the spectral distribution of the outer layer wave amplitude compares favourably with the simulation results.