Double-Protected All-Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals by Crystalline Matrix and Silica for Triple-Modal Anti-Counterfeiting Codes

Novel fluorescence with highly covert and reliable features is quite desirable to combat the sophisticated counterfeiters. Herein, we report a simultaneously triple-modal fluorescent characteristic of CsPbBr3@Cs4PbBr6/SiO2 by the excitation of thermal, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light for the first time, which can be applied for the multiple modal anti-counterfeiting codes. The diphasic structure CsPbBr3@Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals (NCs) was synthesized via the typical reprecipitation method followed by uniformly encapsulation into silica microspheres. Cubic CsPbBr3 is responsible for the functions of anti-counterfeiting, while Cs4PbBr6 crystalline and SiO2 are mainly to protect unstable CsPbBr3 NCs from being destroyed by ambient conditions. The as-prepared CsPbBr3@Cs4PbBr6/SiO2 NCs possess improved stability and are capable of forming printable ink with organic binders for patterns. Interestingly, the fluorescence of diphasic CsPbBr3@Cs4PbBr6/SiO2 capsule patterns can be reversibly switched by the heating, UV, and IR light irradiation, which has been applied as triple-modal fluorescent anti-counterfeiting codes. The results demonstrate that the perovskite@silica capsules are highly promising for myriad applications in areas such as fluorescent anti-counterfeiting, optoelectronic devices, medical diagnosis, and biological imaging.
Funding Information
  • Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee (5151101197)
  • Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (30915012205, 30916015106)
  • Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (2014CB931702, 2016YFB0401701)
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M590455)
  • Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20160827)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (5151101197, 51572128, 51672132, 61604074)
  • Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions