Discovery of Novel DNA Gyrase Inhibitors by High-Throughput Virtual Screening

The bacterial type II topoisomerases DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are validated targets for clinically useful quinolone antimicrobial drugs. A significant limitation to widely utilized quinolone inhibitors is the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria due to an altered DNA gyrase. To address this problem, we have used structure-based molecular docking to identify novel drug-like small molecules that target sites distinct from those targeted by quinolone inhibitors. A chemical ligand database containing approximately 140,000 small molecules (molecular weight, Escherichia coli DNA gyrase targeting (i) a previously unexplored structural pocket formed at the dimer interface of subunit A and (ii) a small region of the ATP binding pocket on subunit B overlapping the site targeted by coumarin and cyclothialidine drugs. This approach identified several small-molecule compounds that inhibited the DNA supercoiling activity of purified E. coli DNA gyrase. These compounds are structurally unrelated to previously identified gyrase inhibitors and represent potential scaffolds for the optimization of novel antibacterial agents that act on fluoroquinolone-resistant strains.