FGF signaling functions in the hypodermis to regulate fluid balance inC. elegans

Signaling by the Caenorhabditis elegans fibroblast growth factor receptor EGL-15 is activated by LET-756, a fibroblast growth factor, and attenuated by CLR-1, a receptor tyrosine phosphatase. Hyperactive EGL-15 signaling results in a dramatic Clr phenotype characterized by the accumulation of clear fluid within the pseudocoelomic space, suggesting that regulated EGL-15 signaling is essential for fluid homeostasis in C. elegans. To determine the cellular focus of EGL-15 signaling, we identified an enhancer element (e15) within the egl-15promoter, which is both necessary for the promoter activity and sufficient when duplicated to drive either egl-15 or clr-1 rescue activity. This enhancer drives GFP expression in hypodermal cells. Consistent with this finding, immunofluorescence studies of EGL-15 indicate that EGL-15 is expressed in hypodermal cells, and hypodermal promoters can drive full clr-1 and egl-15 rescue activity. Moreover, a mosaic analysis of mpk-1, which acts downstream of egl-15, suggests that its suppression of Clr (Soc) function is required in the hypodermis. These results suggest that EGL-15 and CLR-1 act in the hypodermis to regulate fluid homeostasis in worms.