Salvage of Failed First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Implant Arthroplasty by Implant Removal and Synovectomy: Clinical and Biomechanical Evaluation

Implant removal and synovectomy were used to treat the failure of 14 first metatarsophalangeal joint implant arthroplasties. Revision surgery was performed at an average of 3.1 years after arthroplasty. Follow-up (average 4.9 years) was possible in 10 patients, and clinical results were excellent in seven patients, good in one patient, fair in one patient, and poor in one patient. No significant changes in alignment occurred, although a trend toward toe extension was noted. Dynamic force plate studies in these patients demonstrated less pressure under the first metatarsal head and greater loading under the lateral forefoot. The great toe had less contact time during gait in the involved feet than in the control feet.