Solution structure of the chromomycin-DNA complex

The structure of the chromomycin-DNA complex at the deoxyoctanucleotide duplex level has been determined from one- and two-dimensional proton NMR studies in Mg-containing aqueouds solution. The NMR results demonstrate that the antitumor agent binds as a symmetrical dimer to the self-complementary d[T-T-G-G-C-C-A-A] duplex with retention of the 2-fold symmetry in the complex. A set of intermolecular nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) establishes that two chromomycin molecules in the dimer share the minor groove at the G-G-C-G.cntdot.G-G-C-C segment in such a way that each hydrophilic edge of the chromophore is located next to the G-G.cntdot.C-C half-site and each C-D-E trisaccharide chain extends toward the 3''-direction of the octanucleotide duplex. In addition, the A-B disaccharide segment and the hydrophilic side chain of the antitumor agent are directed toward the phosphate backbone. The observed changes in nucleic acid NOEs and coupling patterns on complex formation establish a transition to a wider and shallower minor groove at the central G-G-C-C.cntdot.G-G-C-C segment required for accommodating the chromomycin dimer. The present demonstration that chromomycin binds as a dimer and switches the conformation of the DNA of the DNA at its G.cntdot.C-rich minor groove binding site provides new insights into antitumor agent design and the sequence specificity of antitumor agent-DNA recognition.