Onset of the hormone‐sensitive perinatal period for sexual differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in female rats

The volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN‐POA) of the rat brain is severalfold larger in males than in females. The volume of the SDN‐POA can be influenced significantly by the hormonal milieu during the perinatal “critical period” of sexual differentiation of the brain. The purpose of the present study was to determine the onset of this period of sexual differentiation of the SDN‐POA. Pregnant rats received no treatment or were injected subcutaneously with oil on day 17, 18, or 20, or testosterone (T;5 mg) on days 16‐22 of gestation. On postnatal day 15, unilateral SDN‐POA volumes from female offspring prenatally exposed to testosterone on day 16 or 17 were not different from values of control (untreated or oil‐injected) offspring. Female offspring from mothers treated with testosterone on day 18, 19, or 20 of gestation showed a significant and similar increase in SDN‐POA volume over values from control animals. SDN‐POA volumes from female offspring exposed to testosterone on day 21 or 22, although larger than those of controls, were not different statistically. We conclude that with the specific paradigm used in this study SDN‐POA development is insensitive prior to day 18 of gestation, the day on which the onset of the hormone‐sensitive period occurs.