The rate of atherosclerosis change during treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia.

The rate of change of femoral atherosclerosis has been determined in 25 treated hyperlipoproteinemic patients. There were 13 Type II patients and 12 Type IV patients. Serial angiograms had been performed at an interval averaging 13 months. Film densities were analyzed by digigal image processing to yield a computer estimate of atherosclerosis (CEA). Serial measurements of CEA on each patient were used to determine atherosclerosis percent change per month in that patient. CEA percent change per month was significantly correlated ;ith triglyceride and cholesterol level. Lower lipid levels were associated with more rapid regression. When hyperlipoproteinemic types were considered separately, significant single correlates were confined to Type IV. Triglyceride level and CEA/age significantly predicted atherosclerosis change rate and accounted for 72% of the variability observed in Type IV patients.