Identification of stapedius muscle motoneurons in squirrel monkey and bush baby

The location of brainstem neurons which mediate the stapedius reflex was identified by injecting horseradish peroxidase into the stapedius muscle of squirrel monkeys and bush babies. Retrogradely labeled neurons, arranged in a one‐ to three‐cell column, were found medial to the main facial motor nucleus in squirrel monkeys and ventral to it in bush babies. Nissl, protargol, and acetylcholinesterase stains were subsequently used to identify and describe this unique column of cells. It was found that staining characteristics, as well as shape, size, and location, distinguish stapedius muscle motoneurons from closely associated cell groups. Furthermore, stapedius muscle motoneurons are morphologically similar to periolivary cells and morphologically dissimilar to cells within the facial motor nucleus.