Tooth loss after active periodontal therapy. 1: patient‐related factors for risk, prognosis, and quality of outcome

Objectives: Assessment of patient‐related factors contributing (1) to tooth loss and (2) to the quality of treatment outcome 10 years after initiation of anti‐infective therapy. Material and Methods: All patients who had received active periodontal treatment 10 years ago by the same examiner were recruited consecutively until a total of 100 patients were re‐examined. Re‐examination was performed by a second examiner and included clinical examination, test for interleukin‐1 (IL‐1) polymorphism, smoking history, review of patients' files (e.g. regularity of supportive periodontal therapy: SPT). Statistical analysis included Poisson and logistic regressions. Results: Fifty‐three patients attended SPT regularly, 59 were females, 38 were IL‐1 positive. Poisson regressions identified mean plaque index during SPT (pppp=0.0005), IL‐1 polymorphism (p=0.0007), smoking (p=0.0053), and sex (p=0.0487) as factors significantly contributing to tooth loss. Additionally, mean plaque index during SPT (p=0.011) and irregular SPT (p=0.002) were associated with a worse periodontal status 10 years after initiation of therapy. Conclusion: The following risk factors for tooth loss were identified: ineffective oral hygiene, irregular SPT, IL‐1 polymorphism, initial diagnosis, smoking, age and sex.