Purpose: A progressive decrease in androgen production is common in males after middle age. The resulting clinical picture has been erroneously named male menopause or andropause. A more appropriate designation is androgen decline in the aging male (ADAM). The syndrome is characterized by alterations in the physical and intellectual domains that correlate with and can be corrected by manipulation of the androgen milieu. We review the epidemiological aspects of aging and endocrinological manifestations of ADAM, and provide recommendations for treatment and monitoring of these patients. Materials and Methods: We performed MEDLINE, Pubmed, Current Contents and Pharmaceutical Abstracts searches of relevant peer reviewed publications on andropause, male climacteric, adult hypogonadism and aging. In addition, conference proceedings were researched to provide a more complete review of the literature. Information was scrutinized and collated, and contributory data were reviewed and summarized. Results: ADAM is a clinical entity characterized biochemically by a decrease not only in serum androgen, but also in other hormones, such as growth hormone, melatonin and dehydroepiandrosterone. Clinical manifestations include fatigue, depression, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and alterations in mood and cognition. Conclusions: The onset of ADAM is unpredictable and its manifestations are subtle and variable, which has led to a paucity of interest in its diagnosis and treatment. Urological practice commonly includes a large proportion of men older than 50 years. Therefore, it is important for urologists to recognize the manifestations of and be familiar with evaluations necessary to document ADAM as well as its treatment and monitoring.