The Role of the Ethylacetate Fraction from Hydnocarpi Semen in Acute InflammationIn VitroModel

We previously reported that Hydnocarpi Semen (HS) has a wound healing effect on diabetic foot ulcer lesion in mice. In this study, ethylacetate (EtOAc) fraction from HS extract were evaluated for their wound healing activity by using in vitro acute inflammation model. GC and GC/MS analysis shows that the main constituents in EtOAc fraction are chaulmoogric acid, hydnocarpic acid, and gorlic acid. EtOAc fraction activated macrophages to increase the production of TNF-α. The fraction also increased the production of TGF-β and VEGF, which induced fibroblast activation and angiogenesis. These results suggest that the mechanism that the fraction helps to enhance healing of skin wound is possibly associated with the production of TNF-α, as well as secretion of VEGF, TGF-β and HS may have a new bioactive material for the treatment of skin wound.