Center-Specific Graft and Patient Survival Rates

THE UNITED NETWORK for Organ Sharing (UNOS) operates the national Organ Procurement Transplant Network and the Scientific Registry of transplant recipients. Under the Transplant Amendment Act of 1990, UNOS is required by the government to report center-specific transplant survival rates for all solid organ transplantations performed within the United States. The 1991 report1 was based on all solid organ transplantations (N=28858) performed between October 1, 1987, and December 31, 1989, and the 1994 report2 was based on 60100 transplants performed on 57457 patients between October 1, 1987, and December 31, 1991. The 1997 report is the third center-specific report and is based on a cohort of 97587 transplants performed on 92966 recipients from January 1, 1988, through April 30, 1994. The 1997 report contains an executive summary and 6 organ-specific volumes ("Kidney," "Liver," "Pancreas," "Heart," "Lung," and "Heart-Lung").