Brillouin amplification supports1×1020uncertainty in optical frequency transfer over 1400 km of underground fiber

We investigate optical frequency transfer over a 1400 km loop of underground fiber connecting Braunschweig and Strasbourg. Largely autonomous fiber Brillouin amplifiers are the only means of intermediate amplification used here. This allows phase-continuous measurements over periods up to several days. Over a measurement period of about three weeks we find a weighted mean of the transferred frequency's fractional offset of (1.1±0.4)×1020. In the best case we find an instability of 6.9×1021 and a fractional frequency offset of 4.4×1021 at an averaging time of around 30 000 s. These results represent an upper limit for the uncertainty over 1400 km when using a chain of remote Brillouin amplifiers, and allow one to compare the world's best optical clocks.